Sunday, April 8, 2012


The Easter Bunny did a good job of hiding pre-filled Easter eggs in the yard and family room.  It didn't take long for Jayleigh to find all of them.  (the basket worked out just right too...)

Easter with Jayleigh

I wasn't too on the ball this year and didn't get Jayleigh an Easter Basket.  (duh).  I did however manage to make one before she arrived.  Did you know that you can make so many things with spray adhesive and fabric?? 

I can do anything....

March wasn't a very nice month for me. Too many major things happened, and I was certainly overjoyed when April arrived. Here's one of the main things I ended up replacing. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Warning....Bird pictures....

 I thought this was a great lesson in a "pecking" order.  The starling--(the black bird) and the Norther Flicker woodpecker size each other up.  The size of the beak would determine who east first I would think!! 

Sunday, April 1, 2012