Sunday, February 28, 2010

let me explain...

I didn't know how to post this message with the slideshow in it, so I'm doing it in 2 separate ones. If you put your cursor on the photo in the slideshow it will tell you what you are looking at. As if you can't tell I'm SO excited for this. It's's what I want...and it's AWESOME!


Stephanie said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! I'm stopping by the next time I'm in town to see it in person!

Tove said...

Amazing !!! It looks so good !
Love the light colors !

Janelle said...

Oohh...It's so pretty!!

Unknown said...

Oh My Heck! I love this new design and it's similar to what Michael & I are dreaming of too! I can't wait to visit you and see it in person, maybe in 2011! LOVE IT LOVE IT

Unknown said...

Really Beautiful! Hope to see in person next year maybe July 2011.